If You Refinance Your Mortgage Now, You Can Avoid This New Fee!

October 20, 2020 by quikfund

Now is the ideal time if you want to save your monetary reserves by refinancing your house.

Preventing an incoming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fee is the most important reason to refinance. On 1st December 2020, Mortgage firms will begin charging people what is called an Adverse Market Refinance Fee. This new fee adds a 0.5 percent charge to all of the refinance loans individuals take out.

What Do You Need To Know About This Extra Fee?

The following are the important details you must know regarding the upcoming fee.

  • Refinance loans lower than 125,000 dollars are exempt from this fee.
  • Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will roll out this fee on 1st December.
  • This particular fee is in addition to any other fees and price adjustments linked with refinances.

How To Procure Reduced Loan Rates Without Paying The Additional Fee?

It may be in your best interest to swiftly decide if you are an owner of a home and considering a refinance on your mortgage. Any loans bought by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae post 1st December will be incurring the extra fee. It can take considerable time (at times several months) to process a home refinancing application. Hence, if you start now, it would give you the best possible chance to refinance your mortgage at a minimal cost!

Ensure that you compare various mortgage lenders to boost your chances of securing the lowest possible refinance rates. The good news for you is that several online tools, available free of cost, make it very easy to refinance your mortgage.

What Are Mortgage Rates Today?

The interest rate on average for a 30-year and 15-year house loan are considerably less than the same time the previous year.

In the present time, it might be easier to obtain a minimal interest rate. Be sure to act immediately if you are considering refinancing. You can look into a number of lenders and use online tools to get prequalified for re-finance official rates.

Contact a loan officer today!

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